Sunday, January 24, 2010

Altered Plans

Do you ever have big plans to get up early, get your house clean, and then just relax? Well that was my plan today. The boys usually get up and go do something together on Sundays and I have the house all to myself, well today they decided to sit in our living room and play wii. So of course this altered my plans, so far it is 12:30pm and all I have accomplished is giving the dogs their baths and cooking lunch. I now understand why my mom always said she could never get anything done when us kids were home. Having a kid, even though he is 16 living here is a big adjustment. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining, I am glad he is here.

So now I am setting on my couch watching the boys talk to the t.v. and high five each other on how well they are doing on the game, as a I am typing this blog. What I need to be doing is reviewing my index card for my spanish test Tuesday. I never knew how difficult learning another language would be. I feel as if I am back in kindegarten learning to read and write again.(LOL)

But anyway I can say that the boys altered my plans all I want, but I know that truly it is just a gloomy sunday day and all I do is want to relax at home with my boys and maybe take a nap. HaHa like that will ever happen.

"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it."
— Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words)

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