Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things that really irritate me !!!!!

Well I was really nervous today, because Tuesday is the dreaded day of my Spanish class and we were supposed to have a test, that I was completely clueless on by the way. Well our teacher came down with the flu or something so class was canceled, but we were told if we would like to come in we could pick up a study guide and some people would be there if we would like to have a study group. Well me and my friend I go to school with decided to go pick up a study guide and study together. I don't like big groups of studying because there is always too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Well there is only 5 people who came to the class to get a study guide and one of them I will not mention her name is an employee where I go to school, she is a secretary, took upon herself to act like the teacher and tell us that we needed to stay for the study session to get the study guide. Which I politely , well as polite as I could be, told her no this class is not mandatory the professor left us study guides, so I will take mine and I will be leaving. I mean the class will have to be made up anyway, attendance was not required. Well needless to say she gave me my studyguide, but I guess just to spite me she didn't give me the answer key that went with it. But I fooled her she gave it to the girl setting next to me, so I borrowed hers and went and made copies for myself and a few other people who were unable to attend tonight to get the study guide.

Why do some people take upon themselves to assert themselves as something they are not, I mean she is a student in this class not a teacher, we are all equals. So please to everyone don't be that person that thinks you know everything, even if you are very smart and do know the answers don't just take it upon yourself to tell everyone else what to do. Ask if anyone would like some help.

For people who know me I am very outspoken and I am trying very hard to work on not being confrontational with people, so today I am very proud of myself. She made me very upset, but I reminded myself sometimes people have to try to take control to make themselves feel better because something in their own life is unstable.

"I learned to walk as a baby and I haven't had a lesson since."
— Marilyn Monroe

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